How to edit subtitle(2)?

Welcome to MetaOra, where you can transform your English learning with our unique Mobile App!

I want to help you learn more about editing subtitles in this video.

As you see, we have a long sentence here. But we must make this sentence short and divide it into several sentences. So I will use the back and next icons to do that.

The aim of making sentences shorter is that it helps users to learn efficiently and repeat the sentences easily in the parts like Speak, Order Game, etc. But remember that the sentences we make should make sense and be clear to the users.

Another important thing is that each sentence should have just one speaker, if possible.

For example, here, just one character is speaking.

But let’s go to the following sentence and identify its speaker.

As you see, the speaker of the next sentence is another person. So we can’t move the words from this long sentence to the next sentence.

Here we have another tool that helps you to add a new sentence. To do that, hit the plus icon on the toolbar at the bottom of the player.

Here it is, our new sentence after the long sentence.

Now we must decide how to decide to split our long sentence. I choose “I’m at peace…” as the second sentence. I hit the “I’m” and then the next icon in the toolbar to move it and all the following words to the next sentence.

There we go, all the words moved, and we can’t see them here any longer.

Ok, great; as you see, this sentence is short and meaningful.

Let’s go to the next sentence. But this sentence is still long, and we need to shorten it.

As you remember, the next sentence belongs to another speaker, so we need to add a new sentence again. I again hit the plus icon on the toolbar at the bottom of the player.

And here is the new sentence right after our current sentence.

Let’s go back to our long sentence and listen to it.

As you heard, the speaker paused after the “important” word. So “and” is the proper word for splitting the sentence. To do that, I hit the “and” and then hit the next icon on the toolbar and move it and all the following words to the next sentence. Also, always consider fixing spelling and punctuation for the words.

Now, let’s listen to our current sentence.

Ok, great, we have another short and meaningful sentence.

Let’s go to the next sentence and listen to it too.

So this sentence is also nice to learn. But as you see, the “For” word is capitalized and wrong. So I hit the “For” word and edit it. And finally, hit the “Save” button at the top of the page and save our changes.

Alright, that’s enough for now, but there will still be other videos about subtitle editing in the following videos.

Have a fantastic time, and bye till the next video.

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