How to reset your password?

Welcome to MetaOra, where you can transform your English learning with our unique Mobile App!

In today’s video, I want to talk about how to reset your password in case of forgetting.

If you are logged out of MetaOra App and want to sign in to your account, you must hit the ‘Login’ link a the bottom of the walkthrough page.

You must enter your email and password to login into the App. But sometimes, it’s possible to forget your password. In this case, if you enter the wrong password, you’ll encounter an error at top of the page.

As you see, there is a link below the password input. You can hit this “Forgotten your Password?” link to navigate to the forget password page.

On this page, fill in the Email field. Then hit the send button and wait for some moment. Afterward, you’ll see the successful message, so you need to check your inbox after that.

So let’s go to our inbox and open the email. Here we need to hit the Reset your password button. Then we navigate to the reset password page.

In this form, you must enter your new password in the first field and the second field. It must include at least one lowercase, one uppercase, and one digit, and the length must be at least eight characters long.

Finally, hit the reset password and wait to see the successful message. Then, go to the login page, input your email and the new password, and hit Sign In button.

There we go! I could enter my MetaOra account again.

I’ll see you again next time! Goodbye!

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